Is Cedar Services Care a registered NDIS provider?

Yes, Cedar Services Care is a registered NDIS provider.

Cedar Services Care being a registered NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) provider means that we are approved to offer services and support to individuals with disabilities who are participants in the NDIS program. It’s beneficial that we can offer services to participants with various plan management types, including plan-managed, self-managed, and agency-managed plans. This flexibility allows us to cater to a wider range of NDIS participants and provide them with the care and assistance they need. If you have any specific questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know about NDIS or your services, feel free to contact us.

Is Stoma care consumables/products included in a continence Assessment?

Yes, it is. Cedar Services Care attends to NDIS participants for continence Assessments. If you have a Stoma/ ostomy bag, then your continence Assessment falls under Comprehensive Continence Assessment. The clinician will include all the stoma/ostomy products in their consumable’s recommendation.

Will my NDIS plan cover my wound care?

Indeed, NDIS generally covers wound care assistance for NDIS participants dealing with persistent wounds like pressure ulcers. This expense typically aligns with NDIS funding requirements. To proceed, participants will be require a wound care plan issued by their GP or registered nurse, will be assisted by our staff. This plan should outline the wound care assistance they require to manage their disability-related injury effectively. This plan should detail the specific supports their doctor/ RN recommends for their disability-related wound care needs. This is essential for determining if the wound care supports are better suited for NDIS funding rather than healthcare system funding. The plan must confirm that their wounds are chronic and won’t heal, heal slowly, or will heal but reoccur, which classifies them as chronic wounds. It should clearly establish the link between these chronic wounds and their ongoing disability support/ disability care needs. The wound care plan should include:

A comprehensive wound care or pressure injury management program that outlines the required consumables for their treatment.

Strategies for wound prevention management, potentially involving assistive technology recommendations.

Specific details about the type, frequency, and level of support care needed to manage their wounds effectively.

This comprehensive wound care plan will enable NDIS to assess whether the wound care supports align with NDIS funding criteria, allowing the participant to receive appropriate assistance for their ongoing wound care needs while maintaining their daily life and well-being.

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What is meant by registered nurse delegation and supervision of care?

An RN (Registered Nurse) is involved to support individuals with disabilities, by assessing head to toe, create care plans for the support workers to follow-up for day-to-day care, provide training and assign specific tasks to a support worker or enrolled nurse. This process is commonly referred to as ‘delegation and supervision of care.’ It enables a registered nurse to delegate nursing responsibilities to the most appropriately qualified person.

Is it possible to delegate disability-related health support tasks?

Yes, some task/duties related to disability-related health support can be assigned by a registered nurse to another qualified worker. A qualified support worker needs to have either qualification/ sufficient experience or exposure. This means that a trained worker, such as a support worker or enrolled nurse, will carry out the task on your behalf, rather than a registered nurse. This practice may assist participants in saving and staying in the NDIS budget/ allocated funds.

Our RN’s can also train and provide care plans to family members, friends, and caregivers to complete complex tasks.

How to determine which tasks can be delegated?

To determine whether the support required can be delegated to nurse, support workers, family, caregivers, participants situation is assessed by NDIS planner. Information and data are gathered from a discharge planner, social workers, treating doctors/specialists and nurses CarePlan if a participant is transitioning form hospital to in-home care. If you are preparing to leave the hospital, we will gather this information from either your discharge plan or your most recent nurse care plan. The plan should be created by a treating clinician or a registered nurse.

The discharge plan or nurse care plan specifies:

– The tasks/duties that need to be provided

– Who is the most suitable person to provide the care

– individual needs

– The complexity of the tasks

– associated risks

Eventually, it is the registered nurse’s responsibility to decide whether a specific/ complex task can be delegated or not, as RN’s retain accountability for the care provided. Moreover, some tasks are ineligible for delegation and are carried out by a registered nurse. For example, Vac/ packed/ Negative pressure wound dressings, catheter changes, complex/ chronic wounds dressings, continence assessment,

More Information

Are you after a CarePlan and/or Support worker training for your NDIS participant?

Care plan or Nurse delegation is an RN (registered Nurse) attending to a NDIS participant for data collection of their medical/ disability history, background, and current problem, which is called an RN comprehensive assessment, and then creates an easy-to-read CarePlan for support workers. Bedside training is provided if requested.

Assessments, CarePlan and trainings are usually 5hours for 1 specific high intensity support.

Looking for Bedside Training for support workers by a registered nurse?

Bedside training is a person/participant-centred training. Nurses provide person-centred- bedside training to support workers and a care plan to refer to at any time. You can contact us if the participant’s support needs increase and the care plan needs an update.

Pressure Area Care/ Skin Integrity/ Incontinence Associated Dermatitis

Basic/ Simple and complex wound Care

Suprapubic/ Indwelling/ Intermittent Catheter Care

Autonomic Dysreflexia Management

CPAP Applications, Oxygen administration, Oxygen therapy

Diabetes Management and Insulin Administration

Medication Administration (Webster packs, midazolam)

Continence Care (bowel, urine, stoma, ostomy, colostomy bag)

Peg feed/peg care

Health coaching on Diabetes management

At Cedar ServicesCare, we are committed to empowering lives and embracing possibilities through our dedicated and compassionate 24/7 in-home care services. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

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What is the line item number for Continence Assessment?

At Cedar Services Care, Registered Nurse completes a continence assessment and report. The common line item number we use are 01_606_0114_1_1 and 15_406_0114_1_3.

I am looking for nurses. How can Cedar Services help me?

If you’re in need of nursing services, Cedar services offers qualified and compassionate nurses to provide a wide range of medical care and support. Our nurses are experienced in various specialties and can assist with tasks such as wound care, medication management, monitoring vital signs, catheter change, monitor seizure, peg training, complex bowel care/flush training, and more. Please reach out to us to discuss your specific needs, and we’ll be happy to match you with the right nurse for your requirements.